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1. 本公司及本公司附屬公司,未有以「灝天」冠名者;及

2. 本公司及本公司附屬公司與「灝天金融集團」、「灝天金融」、「灝天金號」、「灝天貴金屬有限公司」均無關連關係。

有鑒於各企業名稱或有所類同,本公司勸喻投資者及本公司客戶於進行投資活動前,應深入了解該公司的背景以作判斷。如有進一步查詢,歡迎致電客戶服務熱線 (852) 2652 3400。


昊天國際金融控股有限公司 謹啟





Hao Tian International Financial Holdings Limited has no relationship with Glory Sky Financial Group

Hao Tian International Financial Holdings Limited (the “Company”) has received some enquiries from its clients related to an entity called “Glory Sky Financial (in Chinese, “灝天金融集團”)”. Having made reasonable enquiries, the Company hereby clarifies as follows:

1. None of the Company and its subsidiaries has been named with “Glory Sky (in Chinese, “灝天”)”; and

2. None of the Company and its subsidiaries is related to or connected with any of "Glory Sky Financial Group (in Chinese, “灝天金融集團”)", "Glory Sky Financial (in Chinese, “灝天金融”)” , “Glory Sky Gold Dealer (in Chinese, “灝天金號”)" and "Glory Sky Precious Metals Limited (in Chinese, “灝天貴金屬有限公司”)".

The investors and the clients of the Company should have a full understanding in respect of a company's background before dealing with investment activities, as companies not related to or connected with the Company or any of its subsidiaries may bear a similar name. For further enquiry, please contact us at our customer service hotline (852) 2652 3400.


Hao Tian International Financial Holdings Limited

13 July 2018


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